Kad god letim preko okeana, u avionu se nadju jedan stariji Hrvat u majici sa preslikanom slikom unuka i natpisom Didin magarac, 378 Indijaca u turbanima i ja. Film, AjPod, knjiga, rucak, generalno grickanje, virkanje u oblake i vrijeme koje nikako da prodje kada, poput mene, ne mozes spavati medju 400 ljudi. Nakon polovine leta vec me podilaze zmarci, svrbe me noge, odem pa smetam stjuardesama, motam se izmedju wc-ova dok Hrvat i Indijci hrcu. Ali evo, otkako sam juce vidjela ovu pregenijalnost mislim da cu svoje vrijeme iznad Atlantika od sada bolje trositi. Nina Katchadourian, funky kalifornijska umjetnica, odlucila je praviti foto autoportrete u wc-u aviona na beskonacno dugim letovima. U flamanskom stilu.
"While in the lavatory on a domestic flight in March 2010, I spontaneously put a tissue paper toilet cover seat cover over my head and took a picture in the mirror using my cellphone. The image evoked 15th-century Flemish portraiture. I decided to add more images made in this mode and planned to take advantage of a long-haul flight from San Francisco to Auckland, guessing that there were likely to be long periods of time when no one was using the lavatory on the 14-hour flight. I made several forays to the bathroom from my aisle seat, and by the time we landed I had a large group of new photographs entitled Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style. I was wearing a thin black scarf that I sometimes hung up on the wall behind me to create the deep black ground that is typical of these portraits. There is no special illumination in use other than the lavatory's own lights and all the images are shot hand-held with the camera phone."
hahahaha odlicna ideja! posebno mi se svidja kako je ispala ova cetvrta po redu:-))
Pratim tvoj blog.
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hahahahahhaha...sjajna ideja! Totalno genijalno!! :)
ReplyDeletecarica :))
ReplyDeleteJa budale....hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteal prstići na zadnjoj hahahahaha
@all: funny, right? :)